

Jul 27, 2023

3D epoxy flooring is just an optical illusion, but is it cool or kitsch?

We first started seeing 3D epoxy floors a few years ago, but like any new technology, it just gets better and better.

The latest wave (pun intended) of 3D floors presents some astonishing optical illusions, and it seems watery scenes are most in demand.

You can walk into the bathroom and walk over the surf crashing on a beach, or a tropical lagoon, complete with sea anemones and fish, as shown in the images from Advanced Industrial Coatings (AIC).

But the dolphins leaping out of the blue on the bedroom floor in the Chuvie Decor Instagram image is possibly the most surreal. The effect is astounding. Or how about the tiled floor that appears to dip away beneath your feet? Disconcerting, for sure.

The floors are made using a 3D image that is specially printed to fit the dimensions of your floor. The print is laid on the floor and then covered with a clear resin coat, like glass, which embeds and enhances the 3D effect.

Imperial Interiors Design Company in Dubai says it's not just a picture, it's a large-scale art object, which fundamentally changes the idea of ​​what might look like flooring. "On the one hand it's a surface, and the other – a whole image, with all shades and textures."

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READ MORE * 3D floors turn kitchens and bathrooms into art * What's your flooring preference? * Choosing the right carpet