

Jul 07, 2023

Energy efficiency for a villa in Benevento

A modern house, surrounded by a large garden in which lush shrubs and plants typical of the Mediterranean maquis grow: in Benevento, architects Laura Lampugnale and Rosanna Giallonardo interpret local building techniques through their architectural insights and material combinations. The project stems from the complete reconfiguration of an existing structure, the construction of which, however, had been interrupted after the structures and infills had been built.

Taking into account the constraints given by the existing reinforced concrete framework, Lampugnale and Giallonardo completely rethought the building. The most significant work was done on the facade cladding, with an original combination of natural stone - bush-hammered Irpinian breccia - decorating the upper floor, and modern WPC (Wood Plastic Composite) planks, a composite material based on wood fibres and polymer resins, which perfectly simulate the aesthetic effect of wooden planks at the ground floor. The stringcourse and some portions of the wall, finished with white lime-effect plaster, harmoniously complete the whole.

The composition of the facades, which are developed on two levels, is therefore characterised by bands of materials that develop both horizontally and vertically. In order to guarantee excellent energy performance, much higher than the minimum legal requirements, the designers opted for ventilated facade insulation using the Isotec Parete composite thermal insulation system.