

Oct 13, 2023

Province commits $1.5 million in funding for Trusscore expansion

Perth-Wellington MPP Matthew Rae was in Palmerston Wednesday morning to announced $1.5 million in provincial funding support a planned $10-million expansion and equipment upgrade at the Trusscore factory.

A Southwestern Ontario manufacturer is receiving $1.5 million from the province to support its planned $10-million expansion and equipment upgrade, Perth-Wellington MPP Matthew Rae announced Wednesday.

Speaking from the Trusscore factory in Palmertson in Wellington County, Rae confirmed the funding is coming from the Advanced Manufacturing and Innovation Competitiveness stream of Ontario's Regional Development program.

"Trusscore will be receiving $1.5 million from the provincial government for a total investment with Trusscore of $10 million to improve efficiencies and bring more jobs to Palmerston. … The provincial funding will help create 68 new jobs here locally in Palmerston. The new jobs will include plant operations, team leads, but also (research and development), engineers, business development, financial, (human resources) and other highly skilled labourers," Rae said.

Trusscore designs and produces interlocking PVC panels for interior walls and ceilings using a high-strength and long-lasting polymer formula that offers a sustainable alternative to traditional drywall and Fiberglas-reinforced plastic systems.

The project will integrate new technologies by upgrading existing equipment and improving efficiencies in their plastic extrusion manufacturing processes. It will also focus on the development and commercialization of the company's "digital paint" concept, which allows users to instantly change the surface colour of Trusscore's PVC wallboard by using their smart phones or tablets.

"We’ve taken over some additional space (next door). Ideal Supply used to have 16,000 square feet and we’ve moved in there," Trusscore CEO Dave Caputo said. "It's all about expanding the number of lines we have here, the people who will be working those lines … and beginning experimenting with some different manufacturing techniques around digital paint and the go-to-market strategies for that."

Between 2019 and the end of this year, the Ontario government will have invested more than $100 million through the Regional Development Program aimed at strengthening the advanced manufacturing sector and helping to meet regional needs. The program provides cost-shared funding to businesses, municipalities and economic development organizations to help communities attract investment, diversify their economies and create new jobs.

"Our government is proud to support local manufacturers across the province as they grow and create more good-paying jobs in their communities," Economic Development Minister Vic Fedeli said in a press release. "Investing in these types of community-building projects will help us continue to build Ontario and strengthen the economy. We thank Trusscore for making a significant impact in their community and for contributing to our province's dynamic and growing manufacturing sector."

Since 2019, Ontario has provided more than $81 million in support of 75 projects through this program, leveraging more than $860 million in new investments and helping to create more than 1,490 jobs, provincial officials said. The government recently launched the Advanced Manufacturing and Innovation Competitiveness stream of the program to support Ontario manufacturers for investments in equipment and advanced technologies to improve competitiveness and growth, and to create and retain jobs across the province.

[email protected]

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