

Jan 09, 2024

Increase versatility with wood plastic composite technology


A new whitepaper has recently been released from sustainable timber alternative experts, INNOWOOD. Titled 'Employing Wood Plastic Composite technology for increased versatility', the paper explores the benefits of Wood Plastic Composites (WPCs) as an alternative to natural timber. While timber has always been held in high regard, architects and specifiers around the country are recognising that its specification comes with limitations, which can be observed along numerous stages in its lifecycle. These points span from the timber procurement stage and limitations on how it is typically processed, to the challenges associated with its installation and longevity – particularly in an unpredictable Australian climate. Timber based WPCs can add also another purpose to the end of life portion of timber's lifecycle through repurposing of discarded timber.

The whitepaper goes on to explore the functional and inherent material benefits of WPC technology before examining the design flexibility that WPCs can add to a project, both of which stem from a dynamic, waste-free manufacturing process. It is this manufacturing process that eliminates the need to log additional trees for material and enables the output of WPC technology to improve upon timber's beneficial qualities. In the case of timber based WPCs, the finished product maintains the desirable appearance and feel of its primary constituent, allowing specification in almost any situation where timber would traditionally be specified.

'Employing Wood Plastic Composite technology for increased versatility' is free to download. To find out more about the material, functional and design benefits that WPCs can offer architects and specifiers, click the link below.